From: Simon Wistow Date: 12:03 on 30 Mar 2005 Subject: leaving a shell Ctrl-D? logout? exit? quit? All these things are valid all over the shop. All dependent on what shell, what machine, whether I'm root or not and, I suspect, the direction of flight of migratory pipistrel bats to the nearest (magnetic) degree and, possibly, how many tasty souls Cthulu has to devour this morning thus preoccupying him from constantly tormenting me. In tcsh (at least on this system) does auto-completeion. The fact that it's called Tab Completion everywhere else appears to have sailed cleanly past who ever decided that. This, goes out to software developers everywhere. I'm sure your ideas are fantastic and, in self-congratulatory tirades you pump out to your simpering yes men on whatever forum you frequent you have thoroughly justifed your design decisions but, and this is the important thing, I don't give a shit. STANDARDISE MOTHER FUCKERS - lest ordinary mortals without your near godlike vision rise up and give you an impromptu clue-bat colonoscopy.
From: Aaron Crane Date: 17:44 on 30 Mar 2005 Subject: Re: leaving a shell Simon Wistow writes: > In tcsh (at least on this system) Ctrl-D does auto-completeion. The > fact that it's called Tab Completion everywhere else appears to have > sailed cleanly past who ever decided that. The earliest references I can find to filename completion talk about its implementation in TENEX. TENEX first ran in 1970; this paper =66rom 1972 describes the use of ESC and ? for completion in the same way that csh uses ESC and ^D. Apparently, csh acquired filename completion some time between 2.9BSD (1983) and 2.10BSD (April 1987); the csh manpage in 2.10 is dated 1986-06-05. I like this description of how csh actually implemented completion (warning: contains description of earlyish Unix tty interaction). Near the bottom of this page: ain But yes, the entire known universe -- even Windows! -- has now settled on TAB for completion. tcsh also has TAB for completion by default, but still supports uses ESC/^D because, well, that's what csh did, and if it's good enough for Bill Joy, it's _clearly_ good enough for anyone. Sorry, insufficient hatred in this message. I'm busy saving it for the Big Crazy Work Project with the Crazy Deadline. --=20 Aaron Crane
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