From: Simon Wistow Date: 10:49 on 26 Apr 2004 Subject: mel Mel is the Maye Embedded Language. It's generally quite sane with a few quirks that come out of it being pseudo shell-like. Howveer it does have one fairly batshit convention, at least in my opinion anyway, and lets face it, in a rant such as this that's the only opinion that matters. So, anyway, the following program proc go() { global int $depth = 3; print ("\n" + $depth); $depth = 1; print (" " + $depth); } go(); go(); prints out 3 1 1 1 Why? Because global int $depth = 3; is only evaluated once. At compile time.
From: peter (Peter da Silva) Date: 14:03 on 26 Apr 2004 Subject: Re: mel > global int $depth = 3; > is only evaluated once. At compile time. What happens if you have conflicting declarations in different procs?
From: Simon Wistow Date: 14:37 on 26 Apr 2004 Subject: Re: mel > What happens if you have conflicting declarations in different procs? proc one () { global int $foo = 3; print ("\n" + $foo ); $foo = 1; print (" " + $foo); } proc two () { global int $foo = 6; print ("\n" + $foo ); $foo = 7; print (" " + $foo); } one(); two(); prints 6 1 1 7 Which is lovely
Generated at 10:27 on 16 Apr 2008 by mariachi